木作坊 Joineur
品味 藝術 觀賞 收藏
Taste / Art / Value /Collection

木作坊 通過不同設計,以產品解決生活上的需要和問題之餘,更可帶出不同觀賞及收藏價值;推動對中國文化的互動及探索,保留明式傢俱最優質的入榫工藝,再注入現代設計;由選料、製造、入榫、雕刻、打磨以至上漆等絲絲入扣,務求令每一件木作坊的產品,都帶著品味、觀賞、恆久以至收藏的價值。 木作坊 香港紅木及花梨木傢俱訂製及裝修室內設計
Using quality hardwood, such as rosewood , black and red ebony ,homegrown brand Joineur marries traditional craftsmanship and modern designs to create elegant and practical furniture pieces .
Master of Solid hardwood furniture Partners of architects & Designers . Carpenter of hardwood JOINERY Furniture
採用硬木作為家具的材料,(常見的硬木包括花梨、黑檀及紅檀木等);在本地市場實屬少見。硬木的木身較重,木材生長期慢, 木紋細長而密,形態獨特,且會有深紫、深紅和深綠等不同顏色。由於這類木材帶油性,表面會自然形成光澤,達到歷久常新的效果。 基於以上各種特點,硬木的價值比一般木材為高。相比一般纖維板或夾板,硬木材料較易雕刻,可做成彎角、圓卜及弧邊等效果, 在綫條設計上更靈活多變;加上本身獨有的紋理和形態,可打造成個性鮮明的家具作品。在單調的空間中添置一件硬木家具, 效果更加突出,可以令簡約的現代家居眼前一亮。
Traditional Chinese furniture is highly sought after for its use of quality hardwoods like rosewood , red and black ebony, which are known for their scarcity and beauty. Hardwood can be shaped into curves and round corners, marking it a versatile material. But due to its hard nature , nailing will damage the material. Hence, the best way to assemble hardwood furniture is to use the traditional mortise-and-tenon technique. Unfortunately, the number of people practicing the craft has dwindled over the years.
[物盡其用]- 不使用多餘的生產物料是我們設計上的大方向,所以我們堅持設計一些較Timeless永恆的家具,溶入珍貴天然之硬木質材,配合改良的榫卯結構及裁切方法,精工打造出富藝術美並符合人體工學的品味傢俱。
With its artisans who possess this traditional skill and innovative designers, homegrown furniture brand Joineur revives the art of traditional Chinese furniture with an extensive range including sofas, dining table, and beds. Not only can the furniture pieces from Joineur serve as a centerpiece that jazzes up any living spaces, they also fit easily into any interior with their modern design and exquisite craftsmanship.
30 Years Joinery Furniture Maker
Master of Solid hardwood furniture Partners of architects & Designers . Carpenter of hardwood JOINERY Furniture .
歡迎持別訂造 Custom-made available
傢俱、傢俬、定做家具香港、seo furniture、訂做傢俬、訂做家具、訂做家俬、訂做家私、定做家俬、wood furniture、seo solid wood、紅木、紅木家具、紅木傢俬、酸枝、花梨木、紅檀木、黑檀木、紫檀木..